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As 2017 grinds to an end, we at Compas Africa wish to count our blessings, losses and reflect on our challenges so we are able to leap prepared and strong into 2018.

For us at Compas Africa, 2017 has been a year of re-juvenation and revitalization. An important milestone was the learning, sharing and reflection that took place in an African Learning Institute (ALI) held in the Forikrom community in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana in mid 2016 ( This brought about a reawakening of the conviction in members of the important role of bio-diversity and the rich cultural heritage in communities for sustaining resilience in the face of climate change, socio-cultural degeneration and a neglect of African worldviews with regards spirituality and wellbeing as a result of the modernization project.

The challenge of over relying on a single funding partner in its earlier development stages that led to the near collapse of the Compas Network is still fresh in our minds. This however also became the boon for the development of Compas Africa. In 2017, compass engaged with new partners including the Christensen Fund, the New England Biolaps Foundation and the Coady International Institute of the St Francis Xavier University in Canada which ensured divers sources of funding thus strengthening the resilience of the network. It also led to a new membership drive that now leaves Compas Africa with a membership of twelve member organizations in nine African countries leading to a revitalization of the network in 2017. Leaping into 2018, the mission of Compas Africa is to consolidate the “New Compas Africa” by re-energizing the leadership and building the capacities of members to be even more resolved to strengthening the bio-cultural pathways that communities have been pursuing that ensure their resilience towards food, health and nutrition sovereignty as well as strengthened indigenous and local governance institutions through the endogenous development philosophy.

As the year 2017 fades away, we wish to acknowledge the fruitful partnership with members of the thirty four AFSA networks across Africa, The Africa Bio-diversity Network, the Coady International Institute of the St Francis Xavier University, the Christensen Fund and the New England Biolaps Foundation who were the main supporting partners in 2017.

We are looking forward to even closer and mutually fruitful collaboration with these institutions and many more other likeminded organizations in 2018 and the years ahead. On behalf of the entire Compas Africa Network and its partners, I wish you happy holidays and a prosperous New Year.




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